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All my life I've been searching and waiting to learn, grow and have an opportunity to overcome everything. 


                        International mindfulness & holistic directory 

International Mindfulness & Holistic Directory Our global reach is growing to include and connect with mindfulness & Holistic practitioners from around the world! The MNPC Directory attracts nearly 1K yearly users and 4,000 'Youtube' sessions—all searching for mindfulness teachers and events. You can search for accredited teachers other wellbeing practitioners. 

How to join:

Please fill out the form to join the listing which included mindfulness and holistic alternative modalities.  We will add you profile to our month newsletter and share it on social media, our network partners and organizations who support our POC mission and values.  Your profile will be sent out with the quarterly newsletter. Please note our dirctory is open to white allies and those suppoting equaltiy and diveristy.


The cost is £70/year, you will be emailed with a welcome pack with our logo for your promotion. 

Benefits include : Promotion across social media 
                                     Newsletter listing 
                                     Website listing 
                                     YouTube promotion
                                     Use of our logo for your promotions and website 

                                     Interview session on the Thursday night book club  


Who is your primary student demographic?
In what formats do you teach?
How long was your training as a mindfulness teacher?
Please mark any of the following your work will focus in.

Thanks for submitting! Your details have been received.

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