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Complaints Procedure
The MNPC teachers and staff are committed to ensuring that your experience with MNPC is as supportive and beneficial as possible. We welcome your feedback in order to help us improve the service we offer to participants. General feedback and suggestions may be offered via email. Alternatively if you wish to put in a complaint please see below.
If there is any aspect of the service you receive that you consider unsatisfactory please bring this to our attention as soon as possible, and we will attempt to address it. If we are not able to resolve the situation to your satisfaction, you may bring a formal complaint which will be dealt with on a confidential basis and should be made by email to:
Complaints Department
​​Your complaint will be acknowledged, and you will be informed as to when you can expect a response – usually within 28 days. Please do not write to individual members of the team as you will directed to this procedure. Please keep and submit all your evidence including any voice notes and WhatsApp messages or social media.
First stage:
Mindfulness approach of mediation using 'rain' or a similar technique.
First we invite all participates to sit in practice and follow the guidelines in the link below.
​​​Second stage:
In some cases the need for investigation may require some time and you will be informed of the expected timeline. You can summit your complaint with evidence to an internal panel. Once this investigation has been completed (with all parties welcome to present their case) you will be informed of the outcome..
​​​​Third stage:
If you are not satisfied with the investigation or process and determination of your complaint, you may appeal to an independent panel.
If the complaint concerns a breach of the ethical guidelines for teachers and staff, it may be necessary to involve the relevant ethical body. .
Thank you for your patience,
Imani Sorhindo, William Fley, Tim Fry,
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