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Our Retreats/ workshops are centred around:
Trauma and Resilience
Culture & Community
Grief and Bereavement
Vipassana and Dharma

Events & Retreats
- Sat, 05 Aprzoom
- Sun, 06 Aprzoom
- Sat, 26 AprLondon
- Sat, 05 JulLondon
- Sun, 14 Septzoom
- Sat, 04 OctFriends room Brighton
Alta Starr describes, “Liberation requires us to become aware of and dismantle the inevitable ways systems of domination live in us. Through releasing old habitual contractions and building new embodied competencies, we reclaim our bodies, inhabiting our lives ever more fully and intentionally. As our experience of life is heightened and nourished by increased awareness and capacity to choose, rather than only react, we become more able to coordinate skillfully with others from a ground of authenticity, trust and accountability”

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