People of Colour Meditation Gathering
Sat, 19 Oct
|St Mary's Church, Putney
People of Colour Meditation Group Open House. Putney

Time & Location
19 Oct 2019, 11:00 – 15:00
St Mary's Church, Putney, Putney High St, Putney, London SW15 1SN, UK
About The Event
People of Colour Meditation Gathering
Open House
What is the people of colour (POC) movement in mindfulness?
Mindfulness curricula is grounded in whiteness which means that there is an overt assumption that the content presented is universally beneficial regardless of its non-Eurocentric origins. The empirical evidence driving the curricula is “robust and rigorous” so of course is its application. Universality is assumed while never having to say that decades of evidence-based, well-funded, highly visible, and industry standard findings that support mindfulness curricula and practices are predominantly formed on the lived experiences of white people. There is a lack of inquiry—not having to ask which bodies receive benefit and which ones don’t; which ones were included in research studies and which ones weren’t.
The POC movement is developing to understand these dynamics and ensure that our communities are taking a more informed decision about their practice, training routes and how mindfulness can be delivered. And also to explore and develop a greater sense of partnership and diversity within communities.
What to expect at this event:
1. We would like to invite people for discussions and practice meditation.
2. An opportunity to explore ‘Radical Dharma’ by Lama Rod Owens and Angel Kyodo Williams - a book centred around exploring the deep-seated traumas and struggles around issues of difference.
3. The practice of humanitarian ‘Love & Kindness’, sending love to people of all colours.
The 7 spheres or intentions of awakening for POC groups.
• Community: A unique and safe environment where you are held. Where you can begin to explore areas of identity such as the intersection between sexuality, race, gender, class, disability, without judgement. To establish connection, celebration and value.
• Meditation: An opportunity to explore and discuss our racialised bodies and a framework that contains, affirms and nourishes opportunities for spiritual growth.
• Transcendence: To deconstruct and identify the oppressive power structures that govern the psyche and the ideas that perpetuate them. Construct a positive and affirmative healing environment.
• Affirming: To awaken and strengthen the potential within our lives and the people of colour environment and to attain a sense of belonging.
• Ownership: Grounding, knowing and seeing the truth, acknowledging our own complicity in maintaining these structures and the denial that allows us to continue life as usual.
• Compassion: Transcend and understand the concept of intersectionality and foster a sense of belonging, respect and responsible ethics.
• Insight and Wisdom: to cultivate a sense of self investment and to see for ourselves the value and meaning of a life based on wakening and potential.
1. Please read the book ‘Radical Dharma’ before attending if possible, to enhance your experience
2. The class is suitable for newcomers to meditation & if you are new to meditation please let us know.
3. Please bring food to share and your own meditation cushions and mats.
4. Please sign up to our newsletter
5. Adhere to confidentiality and respect within the group
6. Please send an email to confirm your place or register on the website
7. The space is limited to 12-15 people only
Time: Saturday’s from 11:00am – 3:00pm
19th October &
30th November 2019
Place : The Godly Play Room
St Mary’s Church
Putney High Street
SW15 1SN
Cost: Donation
William Fley
I describe myself as mixed race or Afro-Latino. As I shared my frustrations with other mindfulness practitioners of color in my life—the microaggressions between over and under engagement by White community members, the sense of isolation intensified by curricula steeped in Whiteness—these experiences mirrored their own stumbled-upon discoveries in walking the mindfulness path. In the same regard I value and love the opportunities and that are granted in this time and place we call home.
About MNPC:
The Mindfulness Network for People of All Colours (MNPC) is a small, not-for-profit independent organisation established in 2018 in the UK by William Fley. MNPC is made up of our community leaders, committee board members, peer group facilitators, key volunteers and project coordinators.
We are not associated with any political, religious or institutional organization.
We are dedicated to making a kinder, wiser world by making transformational education widely available.
We want everyone to have access to transformative tools such as mindfulness, emotional awareness and self-compassion regardless of economic, social or physical challenges. Our events are led by gifted and exceptional BAME teachers from various backgrounds who can connect with the BAME and the LGBT experience. And people who want to practice together and develop a meditative practice to build a better life for themselves and those around them.