POC Online Retreat (1)
Thu, 01 Jul
This weekend is a collective endorsement of the value of mindfulness to the POC community. Join us for the world's first global POC online empowerment retreat on zoom, featuring a collective range of international presenters from around the world, live!

Time & Location
01 Jul 2021, 08:00 – 04 Jul 2021, 12:00
About The Event
The Power of Mindfulness in a Time of Upheaval: Deepening Practices for Cultivating Presence, Healing and Empowerment Together. This weekend is a collective endorsement of the value of mindfulness to the mental and physical wellbeing of POC.
This retreat is the world's first online global POC retreat, with various countries around the world taking part.
We are offering a unique opportunity and closed space for people of colour. To learn about the basics of meditation, deepen our practice, and to heal racial trauma and patterns of internal oppression. This retreat is suitable for people of all levels of meditation practice.
International presenters will include Rhonda Magee - author of 'The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness'; Dene Donalds & kiara Jewel Lingo, Â Dharma teacher in the Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh; Sheila Balgobin - the dream decipherer; Sola Story, director of Narrative Mindfulness; Dawa Tarchin Phillips of International Mindfulness teachers association, and hosted by William Fley, founder of MNPC.Â
Mindfulness is a relatively new 'technology' in the West. People of colour are under-represented in mindfulness groups, workshops and training pathways. We are more likely to experience cumulative stressful events such as marginalisation, poverty and limited access to resources, which directly impacts individuals, families and communities. The value, concepts and adaptability of mindfulness are yet to make an impact on marginalised communities.
Together, through inquiry, talks and mindfulness practices, we will explore and confront our habits. We will also explore patterns around noticing, accepting, investigating and confronting bias and facing injustice - in our daily lives and the world. We are examining how mindfulness supports all of us, inwardly and outwardly. To create a saner, more equitable world without compromising equanimity, compassion and our experience of common humanity.Â
Speakers: Â
Rhonda Magee asserts that as mindfulness practitioners, we have a role to play in taking refuge and making a refuge for each other. She weaves storytelling, poetry, analysis and practices into inspiration for changing how we think, act and live. She teaches mindfulness-based interventions, awareness, and compassion practices from a range of traditions.Â
Kaira Jewel Lingo - An ordained nun of 15 years in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing, Kaira is now a lay Dharma teacher based in Washington, DC. Kaira lead retreats worldwide, teaches meditation, supports groups and individuals and offers mindfulness programs for educators and youth in schools. Â
Dene Donalds is co-founder of Pathways, an organisation focussing on people with learning disabilities. He has produced and directed mindfulness programmes for people with learning disabilities and autism and their families. He also develops and guides mindfulness programmes in prisons. Dene is a Zen meditation teacher, offering mindfulness retreats for people of all faiths and none.
Sheila Balgobin 'The Dream Decipherer' believes in the power of nature to heal body and mind, and uses that power to help clients address and reduce their stress levels, improve sleep and use their dreams to help create the best life possible for themselves. She has trained as a practitioner of various natural therapies and is a qualified psychotherapist.
William Fley is the founder of MNPC. He aims to bring awareness through mindfulness-based interventions for resilience, self-care and cross-cultural dialogue. He pursues his passion for eliminating the cultural barriers to mindfulness for marginalised communities. He is a clinician in private practice specialising in supporting adults through issues related to the legacy of absent fathers and forgiveness.Â
Dawa Tarchin Phillips is an international meditation teacher and former monk. He is the Founder of Empowerment Holdings, and President of the International Mindfulness Teachers' Association, a professional organization for mindfulness teachers worldwide. He leads retreats and teaches mindfulness and meditation, awakened leadership and conscious business. He contributes to publications including Lion’s Roar, and has been featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Forbes and others.
Sensei Alex Kakuyo is a Buddhist teacher and breathwork facilitator. A former Marine, he served in both Iraq and Afghanistan before finding the Dharma through a series of happy accidents. He is the author of Perfectly Ordinary: Buddhist Teachings for Everyday Life.
Edutainment HealingÂ
Unearthed Collective Band - Healing Song, Art and Movement  Â
- Drew Sinclair (movement) - Hang Pan, Rav Drum, Idio Pan Djembe and small percussionsÂ
- Nisha Halai (art) - Vocals, spoken word and small percussionsÂ
- Muna Light (song) - Vocals, spoken word and small percussionsÂ
                Join us as we create an inclusive community of practice for deepening our work ahead together.Â
 £20 -  Hardship/ Global South ('Solidarity Economy.')Â
£50 -  Students or' become a friend'Â
£130 - Standard rate
£299 - Endorsement/support of MNPC projects.
The current exchange rate with the USA Dollar is £ 1= $0.80.Â
The cost of MNPC International Online retreatsÂ
Online retreats bring people from around the world who need spaces to heal, take refuge and learn closer together. We aim to make the retreat accessible to all, irrespective of their financial circumstances. We therefore offer a subsidised supported rate of £20 to those who may not otherwise be able to attend, including people from the Global South.
MNPC offers face-to-face programs on a 'not-for-profit' basis. Many dedicated people give countless hours to make this all possible. We factor in costs including website, social media & marketing, IT, insurance, books & materials, presenters' fees, venue hire (for offline retreats) and admin costs for the eight people on our management team.Â
We can assure you that the income for each online retreat is well spent and managed. We appreciate your support.Â
The concept and technology of a global online retreat:Â
Retreatants are responsible for providing their supportive environment at home, which should be conducive to learning and to being fully present with the group. A supportive environment includes having all 'phones switched off and no interruptions from anyone, suitable clothing, being able to arrive in the space on time, and microphones muted needed. Please note that participants are responsible for their own mental health. However, if you feel the need to speak to someone about triggers and areas of concern, please let one of the group facilitators know. There will be an emergency 'recovery room' for those who need assistance or time out - details in the welcome pack. Â
Please be aware that the program is subject to change if circumstances occue beyond our control, such as technological issues. In such circumstances we will provide alternative presenters. We will record the whole retreat except breakout rooms.Â
Schedule (UK GMT time, Please be responsible for making a note of your time zone)
Thursday 1 July
7 pm-9 pm Meet and greet with Oliver Taylor and Ebi Eldridge
Boundaries, aims & objectives, self-care, using zoom, welcome pack, preparation and Q&A
Saturday 27 June. Â Stage 1: Uncovering our RootsÂ
09.00 - Guided meditation practice with Kareem GhandourÂ
10.00 - Opening ceremony – welcoming speech and Karuna Reiki with William Fley and Sheila Balgobin
*Karuna Reiki is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and can also be translated as compassionate action combined with wisdom. As we help others in their healing process, all beings benefit, as we are all one; Buddhist literature states that Karuna must be accompanied by wisdom in order to have the proper effect.
10.45 - Comfort break
11.00 - Dene Donalds
Foundations of Mindfulness , Mindfulness Training Routes ,The teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh & the Dharma teacher journey. Definitions and implications of the BAME, POC, BIPOC, openness and non attachment to view
12.00 - GMT & EST time zones unite (New York is 5 hours behind London)
Breakout rooms - Round 1 of 4
Room A (1) Â Â Meditation with Kareem GhandourÂ
Room B. (2)Â Â Meditation with Vidya MaharajÂ
Room C. (3)Â Â Embracing loving kindness with Abi Osho
Room D. (4)Â Â Women's group with Karen Larbi
Room E. (5)Â Â LGBT group with Gurnam Bubber
Room G Â (6) Meditation with Sheila BalgobinÂ
 Rainbow song by Ha Duong (Vietnam) Â
12:30 - Lunch break - Suggested practices - silence, walking meditation, mindful movementÂ
14.30 GMT/ EST/ PST - Time zones unite (California is 8 hours behind London)
Checking into a global retreat, welcoming North America and the world across 3 time zonesÂ
14.30 - 15.00 Â Sensei Alex Kakuyo. The teaching of Tathagata and how understanding our Buddhanature helps us find enlightenment in everyday life
15.00-15:30 Â Dawa Tarchin Phillips - International Mindfulness Teachers Association.Â
Part 1: Â Mindfulness and empowerment: connecting to our true potentialÂ
15:30 BreakÂ
Stage 2: The Master's ToolsÂ
16.00 - Rhonda Magee. Â The inner work of racial justice: Part 1, transformative practices which heal
Followed by Breakout rooms: Round 2 of 4Â
17.30 - Break for meal - to be taken in silence.Â
19.00 - Art Song ( Healing Sound ) by The Unearthed Collective - Drew Sinclair, Nisha Halai, Muna Light
20:00 - Rhonda Magee. The Inner work of racial justice: Part 2Â
20.30 Â "Lights out"Â
Sunday 28 June - Stage 3 : Belonging
09.00 - Meditation with RenukaÂ
10.00 - Kaira Jewel Lingo – Loving kindness and forgiveness practice. Mindfulness for people of colour: an overview of practices that can transform us
11.00 - Comfort break
11.15 Â Breakout rooms: Round 3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
11:45 - LunchÂ
Stage 4: Transcendence
Becoming a global POC community: 13.00 GMT/ 10.00 EST/ Â 07.00 PST
13.00 - Check-in for North America and the global community
13.00 Dr. Cre Dye - 'The mind is in every cell of the body: we carry seven generations within us'
13.30 Dawa Tarchin Phillips: Part 2: Mindfulness and empowerment: connecting to our true potential
14:00 Â Â BreakÂ
15: 00 Â Song by Alex Watson followed by:
William Fley:Â
'Racial Solidarity, The world needs more forgiveness', Presentation and guided meditationÂ
Decide what world you wish to create for the generations to come. Â What will your legacy be? Â Where do you stand on the line of divisive politiics? We have a pivotal moment to make a better world RIGHT NOW.Â
16.00 Breakout rooms: Round 4Â
16:30 - Empowerment ceremony: William Fley, Rhonda Magee, Tim Fry, Andrea Atwell. Â Â
            Thank you, and closing for the UK.
            Mindfulness Initiative Uk - Jamie Bristow
            Karuna Reiki – Sheila BalgobinÂ
17.00 Â Â Close - Oliver Taylor and Ebi Eldridge
Saturday July 4th, 3PM GMT
Post practice day Â
What if I can't attend all sessions during the weekend?
We would prefer everyone to attend all sessions. However, we appreciate that this may not always be possible because of people's home environment/personal circumstances/connection. We will record the retreat for your convenience.Â
Paying our teachers: Please help support our teachers
Dana (generosity) Practice  In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are given freely because they are considered priceless; in the Buddhist tradition we also practice dana, or generosity, by making monetary offerings for the teachings. Dana is not payment for goods or services rendered; it is given from the heart. Your generosity is a gift that supports not just the teachers, but also the Sangha, the larger Dharma community, and your own practice. We pay our teachers a minimal sum to prepare and give their presentations and teachings which are made available to all. Included in your welcome pack will be a form that will enable you to pay dana if you wish as a gift which will be divided between our great teachers.Â
Online retreatsÂ
If you have any questions, please contact our retreat coordinator - olitaylorsmedia@gmail.comÂ
If you would like us to host an online event, please get in touch.
Electronic devices
Please turn off all 'phones and other electronic devices, and ensure that you have privacy. Be ready to participate!Â
Professional development certificates
For those who require them, certificates for 12 hours of CPD will be available.Â
To become a friend or member of MNPC please see our website for details.Â
Terms and conditions
Please note that we will make every effort to provide all elements of the event as advertised. However, MNPC will not be liable if an aspect of an event is not available due to circumstances beyond our control, such as significant signal disruption. MNPC will make all reasonable efforts to provide an alternative.Â
We operate on a not-for-profit basis, relying on the support of many voiunteers. Â In the unlikely event the retreat does not run we will be unable to offer any refunds.Â
Thank you for choosing to endorse this project, which will contribute to our economic solidarity with developing nations
£299.00Sale endedStandard Rate
This ticket enables one person access to the 24-hour online retreat.
£130.00Sale endedHardship/'Solidarity Economy'
We rely on, and appreciate, your honesty for purchasing a ticket at this price. If your economic situation improves in the future, please consider making a donation so that others may benefit.
£20.00Sale endedStudent or Become a friend
Thank you for your participation in the 24-hour online retreat.
£50.00Sale endedMember's price and Early Bird
Early Bird before the 1st of May or annual membership
£99.00Sale ended