Wild Divine Dance w/ Salma Darling
Sat, 13 Jul
|Brighton Buddhist Centre
Wild Divine Dance is an embodied, mindful approach to awakening and supports restoring relationship with nature.

Time & Location
13 Jul 2019, 19:30 – 21:30
Brighton Buddhist Centre, 17 Tichborne St, Brighton BN1 1UR, UK
About The Event
Below is information on a third party event that we feel MNPC users may be interested in. Bookings are subject to the T&C's on the linked website.
Wild Divine Dance Meditation, Brighton, UK
With Salma Darling
Usually the 2nd Saturday of the month in 2019 at Brighton Buddhist Centre, 17 Tichbourne Street, Brighton, E. Sussex  BN1 1UR (please check website before making your journey).
Saturdays in 2019: Jan 12th, Feb 9th, March 16th, April 13th, May 11th, June 8th, July 13, no August, Sept 14th, Oct 12th, Nov 9th, Dec 14th
7.30-9.30pm (doors open 7.20pm, last entry 7.45pm)
In Wild Divine Dance Meditation we are invited to move in our own way, at our own pace, to a variety of music in the company of others.  With light facilitation to support exploration, we’re invited to show up as we are and move what is, holding in presence all aspects of our humanity. Getting curious about the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational aspects of unfolding, we dance to reveal the wisdom of the body, to embrace change and become awake.
Open to beginners and those with more experience, and all genders, sexual orientations and ethnicities are welcome. Â Lower age limit 16, no upper age limit.
Dance barefoot or in soft-soled shoes, and wear loose layered clothing – it gets hot!
Bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated, no alcohol or drugs
Wheelchair accessible
Book here to ensure your spot or just show up, £ 12 / 10 concessions: https://brightonbuddhistcentre.co.uk/events/other-events/dharmadancing/
Brighton Buddhist Centre, 17 Tichborne Street, Brighton BN1 1UR
Join the Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/714882911956116/
You can read more about Wild Divine Dance here: http://www.beingnature.org/wild-divine-dance/